Back then...

Back when painting was fun. When the feeling of creating something in a long sleepless night felt alright.
This might be the only one picture of me at work.  I had to go back to it and remind me that it can still be fun.

A long trip...

Shooting in manual mode for Photography Fundamentals class...
I can't wait to see end of semester results!

Team logo/mascot assignment...

It might be that I am longing for spring... It might be that it's just the beginning of semester and I haven't quite gotten the rhythm. Whatever the reason, the first assignment for illustration III class is giving me a headache!
Here a little snippet to release some frustration...

getting there...

[UPDATE Feb.2.10]  After a few days of work, here the final piece...

What would I do differently?...  
His right wing would probably look better if it was down as his left one is. I would definitely add some character to those skies, perhaps a cool design on the bottom or a nice reflection on one of them. I'm sure I'll go back and improve it in the future, but for now it was a good start for illustration.

From Here to There

I just found this work-in-progres piece in my broken flash drive. Done last spring in my GD II class, which turned out to be a somewhat deceptive one...
Portfolio review will be happening in a couple of months and I can only wonder if this is worth of showing?

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